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How to Chromebook! Bookmarking and Folders:

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Like Windows and iOS you are able to bookmark webpages, resources, files, PDF’s, ect. To bookmark a page you simply click on the ‘Star’ icon located to the right of the URL line.


In the “Edit bookmark” box you can change/rename the bookmark and also change where it goes (either onto the Bookmarks bar OR into a Folder).

bookmarking into folder(s)

If you want your Bookmarks to be more organized, you can create a Folder. To create a Folder right-click/tap onto the Touchpad with two (2) fingers on the Bookmarks bar and then click on ‘Add folder.’ The ‘New folder’ screen will then open; you will then be able to name the folder and even select where your folder will go (either onto your Bookmarks bar or into another Folder).

creating a foldercreating a folder

You can also organize your Bookmarks in your Folder! To organize your Bookmarks right-click/tap onto the Touchpad with two (2) fingers on the Bookmarks bar and then click on ‘Bookmark manager.’

1.  You will be brought into a new tab which is titled: Bookmarks

organizing bookmarks

2.  You can then choose your ‘Bookmarks bar’ or a folder.

organizing bookmarks

3.  To organize your Bookmarks just click on them and drag.

organizing bookmarks


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