20-21 Robertson Schedule
First Bell 7:45
1st Period 7:50-8:35 Conference
Tutorials 8:40-8:55
2nd Period 9:00-9:45 Instructional Practices
3rd Period 9:50-10:35 Yearbook
4th Period 10:45-11:25 Principles of Technology
5th Period 11:30-12:15 Principals of Education and Training/Web Technologies
JH Lunch 12:15-12:45 JH Remediation 12:45-1:15
HS Remediation 12:15-12-45 HS Lunch 12:45-1:15
6th Period 1:18-2:03 Principals of Education and Training/Web Technologies
7th Period 2:07-2:52 Principals of Education and Training/Human Growth & Development
8th Period 2:56-3:41 Yearbook